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Online Tools

International Types Geographic Data

This tool allows you to retrieve geographic information from the SITVIT Database for a given set of International Types.

Enter a short list of ITs (one per line) Retrieve Origin Data

International Types Count

This tool analyses a list of International Types, returns the number of strains comprised in each of the given IT, and give a geographic distribution of the given IT.

Enter a short list of ITs (one per line) SIT

International Types Distribution

This tool display the geographic distribution of the given SIT, MIT or VIT.

Enter a SIT, a MIT or a VIT SIT MIT VIT       

An other tool which display the distribution of a given IT by Region

Select a Region SIT MIT VIT       

An other tool which display the distribution of a given IT by Country

Select a Country SIT MIT VIT       

Clade Distribution

This tool display the geographic distribution by Country and by Region of the given Clade.

Select a Clade

This tool display the Clade distribution (Predominant Clade) of the given Region.

Select a Region

This tool display the Clade distribution (Predominant Clade) of the given Country.

Select a Country

Spoligotype Conversion

Convert spoligotypes to binary (o/n) or octal format :
Put your binary or octal pattern on the left-hand text area and hit the correct convert button.

Geolocalization of Strains With Drug Resistance Information

Retrieve all Strains With Information of Drug Susceptibility (Susceptible, MDR, Resistant to any other drug) by Country or Clade

Geolocalization of MDR Strains (n=129):
Geolocalization of Susceptible Strains (n=1547):
Geolocalization of Resistant Strains (n=15):

Supervisor & Web Content Manager : Dr. Nalin RASTOGI

Validation : Dr. Thierry ZOZIO

Please note that the newly released SITVIT2 (an updated version of SITVITWEB) is now freely available at: http://www.pasteur-guadeloupe.fr:8081/SITVIT2/