Lab members

Nina ALLOUCH, Bioinformatician

I was born in Poland but have lived most of my life in France where I graduated in engineering at AgroParistech and obtained a master's degree in Bioinformatics at the University of Paris-Saclay. I was lucky to do an interesting and rewarding internship in bioinformatics at the Institut Pasteur in Guadeloupe working on the genomics of Naegleria. When I finished my studies, I was happy to return and take up the post of Bioinformatician at the Institute. I'm now continuing the work on the genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics of free-living amoebae.

In the Amoebae team, I work mainly on understanding the biology, pathogenicity and virulence of Naegleria fowleri using bioinformatics (axis 1).

When I'm not in the lab, I love to enjoy nature, whether hiking, swiming or snorkelling in the sea. You can also find me at the gym or at the Capoeira club next to the Institute. On quieter days, I enjoy cooking and painting at home.

Nalhyte AURAGO, Intern

Originally from Martinique, I pursued my studies in France and am currently in my second year of a Master’s program in Health Biology, specializing in physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology at the University of Poitiers

I am currently completing a six-month internship at the Institut Pasteur of Guadeloupe, where I work on the bioinformatics of amoebas. My research focuses on the comparative genomics of Naegleria species, aiming to deepen our understanding of the pathogenicity of Naegleria fowleri.

When I'm not in the laboratory I go to discover Guadeloupe.

Aurélie DELUMEAU, PhD student

Passionate about the living world from a very young age, I naturally chose to pursue a career in biology. After obtaining my Bachelor's degree in Biology: Health Sciences from the University of the French West Indies, I joined the Master's program in Biology and Health - Infectious Diseases and Microbiota at Aix Marseille University.It was during my research internship at the Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe, within the Amoeba team, that I had the chance to discover the fascinating world of amoebae. I then characterized the bacteriome of free-living amoebae from the hot springs of Guadeloupe, an experience that confirmed my interest in these organisms.

Today, I am continuing my research on amoebae by pursuing my doctoral thesis within the Amoeba team at the Institut Pasteur. My work, co-financed by the Guadeloupe Region, focuses on the study of interactions between free-living amoebae of the genus Naegleria and their intracellular bacteria. I am particularly interested in understanding the mechanisms that govern these interactions.

Outside the laboratory, I enjoy relaxing by cooking new recipes, immersing myself in a good book, or spending time with my loved ones.


After completing undergraduate studies in Biochemistry at the University de Faro (Algarve, Portugal), I started my PhD in Chemical Engineering at the Animal Cell technology Lab (ITQB/IBET, Oeiras, Portugal). During my PhD thesis, I developed a process at semi-industrial scale for the production, purification, and storage of an inactivated vaccine against Heartwater, a tick-borne disease caused by the obligate intracellular bacteria Ehrlichia ruminantium. As I wanted to know more about the proteins involved in the bacterium virulence and the mechanisms underlying the bacterium interaction with its host endothelial cells, I moved to the Mass Spectrometry Lab (ITQB, Oeiras, Portugal). During this post-doc, and as a PI of a research project, I focused on identifying differentially expressed proteins in virulent and attenuated E. ruminantium strains, using proteomics. Afterwards, I moved to CIRAD (Guadeloupe, French West Indies), where I set-up a 2D-DIGE proteomic platform and continued my studies on E. ruminantium -host cells interaction using proteomics. During these 2 years, I was particularly interested in identifying (i) E. ruminantium proteins with phosphorylation and glycosylation patterns potentially associated to virulence and (ii) analyzed the proteins differentially expressed between E. ruminantium-infected and non-infected hosts cells. In December 2016, I joined the Institut Pasteur of Guadeloupe (IPG) to work on free-living amoebae (FLA) and, in particular, on the brain-eating amoeba Naegleria fowleri biology and pathogenesis. At IPG, I belong to the LEMIC and I lead the IPG Amoebae Team. If you want to know more about my career path, you can consult

When I'm not in the lab, I enjoy traveling, dancing and reading.

Virginie NERRIERE, senior laboratory technician

After obtaining a degree in Biological and Biotechnological Analysis at the Lycée Bel Air in Fontenay le Comte, France, I worked in various pharmaceutical, veterinary and hospital laboratories. I then worked in the ActivBiolab laboratory in Challans/St Gilles Croix de Vie (France) where I became head of the bacteriology department. In 2020, I joined the team of the specialized medical biology laboratory (LMMS) of the Pasteur Institute of Guadeloupe to reinforce the Covid activity and complete my skills in molecular biology (quantitative PCR, MinION sequencing).

I am in charge of metrology at the LMMS and participates in the research work of the LEMic laboratory on antibiotic resistance. And I work with the Amoebae team on axis 3 (services : Naegleria sp. detection in hotsprings).

When I am not in the lab, you can find me scuba diving or hiking with my family.

Isaure QUETEL, Bioinformatician

During my master’s degree in bioinformatics in 2021 at Aix-Marseillle University, I did an internship in Institut Océanographique Paul Ricard where I evaluated the biodiversity of the teleosteans around the Embiez island in Six-Fours-les-Plages. For my last internship in IFREMER, I studied the spatio-temporal dynamics of Picochlorum, a picophytoplankton, after its bloom in the Thau lagoon. I also compared two kinds of water sampling methods for metagenomic analysis.

At Pasteur Institute, I perform metagenomic analysis for both LEMic and LECoV laboratories. With the Amoebae team, I characterise the different amoebae species present in hot springs and fresh water and their bacteriomes (axis 2).

When I am not in the lab, I am either with my friends or rock climbing !

Former members

  • Anais VANDEVYVERE (2025). Stage de découverte à la recherche (1 mois) - Ecole Inter-Régionale d'Infirmiers Anesthésistes Diplômés d'Etat (IADE). CHU, Université des Antilles .
  • Youri VINGATARAMIN (2021-2024). PhD student. Insitut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe.
  • Vincent GUERLAIS (2021-2023). Ingénieur en Bio-informatique @IPG. Designer of this website.
  • Kevin NICOLETTI (2023). Stage de Master 2 (6 mois) - Université des Antilles.
  • Nara LICOURI (2023). Stage de Master 2 (6 mois) - Université des Antilles.
  • Aurélie DELUMEAU (2022). Stage de Master 2 (6 mois) - Aix Marseille University.
  • Florian HARNAIS (2022). Stage d'assistant ingénieur (4 mois) - Ecole biologie biotech de LUCLY (ESTBB).
  • Afaf SOUMMANE (2022). PhD student. Insitut Pasteur of Morocco (IPM)
  • Celia DUCAT (2014-2021). Technicienne supérieure de laboratoire @IPG.
  • Alexis DEREEPER (2020-2021). Ingénieur en Informatique @IPG.
  • BARRILLIOT Julie (2021). Stage de découverte à la recherche (Master 2 - Stage de 1 mois). Ecole Inter-Régionale d’Infirmiers Anesthésistes Diplômés d’État (IADE), Université des Antilles.
  • DELUMEAU Aurélie (2021). Stage de Master 1 (2mois) - Biologie Santé. Université Aix-Marseille (co-encadrement : Prof. Olivier GROS, Université des Antilles).
  • ALLOUCH Nina (2021). Stage de Master 2 (6 mois) - Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l'environnement (AgroParisTech). (Co-encadrement : Alexis DEREEPER, IPG).
  • VINGATARAMIN Youri (2020). Stage de Master 2 (6 mois) - Santé en milieu tropical-Guadeloupe. Université des Antilles.
  • Yann REYNAUD (2017-2020). Chercheur @ IPG.
  • PLUMASSEAU Nathael (2019). Stage de Master 1 (2 mois) - Sciences, Technologies, Santé. Université Clermont Auvergne - UFR Médecine.
  • DENAUT MAHDAOUI Alicemène (2019). Stage de découverte à la recherche (Master 2 - Stage de 1 mois). Ecole Inter-Régionale d’Infirmiers Anesthésistes Diplômés d’État (IADE), Université des Antilles.
  • AGOT Samuel (2019). Stage en Entreprise (4 mois). Licence professionnelle Bio-industries et Biotechnologies. Université Paris Sud.
  • RAGUEL Manuella (2017). Stage de découverte à la recherche (Master 2 - Stage de 1 mois). Ecole Inter-Régionale d’Infirmiers Anesthésistes Diplômés d’État (IADE), Université des Antilles.
  • MOUSSA Mirna (2011-2015). Thèse de Doctorat « Les amibes libres pathogènes des eaux chaudes de la Guadeloupe, étude écologique, caractérisation moléculaire et prophylaxie des zones de baignade ». Encadrants : Professeur Jérôme GUERLOTTÉ (Université des Antilles) et Docteur Antoine TALARMIN (Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe).